Sound and Flow : with Sophie and Lucy
£25 (£20 concession)
To book please contact me here
Come and join us at Matter Wholefoods for an afternoon of treating the nervous system. As the winter drags on (not long to go now until Spring!) we need some focus and strength. Sophie and Lucy will be leading this afternoon of nurturing down time – allow time for movement, strength and softness. Bring layers for the slower parts of the class to feel cosy and supported.
All levels welcome
Flow at your level and your mood for that day - listening to what your body needs.
Sophie will bring a flowing class to combine with the sound. We will work with the breath to begin to focus on slowing down and getting into our bodies and out of our busy minds. We will then build up to some slow movement, flowing a little faster to get the blood flowing and warm the muscles, ending with some longer held poses to give time for those muscles to ease into deeper focus and inward looking – as well as time to absorb the sound surrounding us.
The sound bath works on the level of vibrations - sound vibrations connect with our mind and bodies in different ways at different times'. Allowing time within the movement and during relaxation to absorb the effects of working internally and externally with sound immersing yourself fully. Sound baths can help alleviate stress as well as working on a deeper level of vibrations affecting you on a cellular level. Look at the effect sound waves has on water, it's like internally massaging the inside of the body, helping you feel more connected with yourself.